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Kruševos Schüler wünschen sich Basketballkörbe
Friday, 14 September 2007

Turnhalle ohne Basketballkörbe Die Turnhalle der Nikola Karev Primarschule in Kruševo wurde kürzlich renoviert un mit einem neuen Parkettboden ausgestattet.  Da Basketball in Mazedonien sehr beliebt ist, möchten die Schüler diesen Sport gerne in der Schule spielen.  Wie im Foto zu sehen ist, sind die Basketballmarkierungen auf dem Boden zwar vorhanden, aber das wichtigste, die Korbanlage, fehlt!

School furniture arrived in Kruševo
Friday, 27 July 2007

Material in KrusevoIn the mean time, our school furniture and the technical material have arrived at the Nikola Karev primary school of Kruševo.  Given that we could not transport the material in a separate trailer, but only as mixed cargo (together with some farming equipment), the Macedonian customs insisted that all the goods had to be unloaded in Skopje for the customs procedures.  What a pity, not only because of the lost time and the additional work, but also because the additional unloading and loading bares a big risk of damaging the furniture, especially the fragile writing surfaces of the blackboards... 

 With the help of Makosped (the Macedonian transport company who had helped us already with the previous transport) the material was brought to Kruševo with a smaller truck in two partial loads, the first on Thursday July 19, and the second on Monday July 23.  Tanja Hasanu from the Municipality of Kruševo has sent us  these photos vom from the unloading of the material at the Nikola Karev School.

School Furniture En-Route to Kruševo!
Saturday, 07 July 2007
Cobi-Trans 40-Tönner in AegertenOn July 7 it finally happened: the long awaited and many times postponed transport of school furniture became reality! Due to the generous help of the transportation firms SG Spedition GmbH from Schaffhausen und Cobi-Trans from Strumica, the transport could be carried out at a very special rate of just about half the cost of earlier such transports. Unfortunately, the huge 40-tons artic truck was to long to turn into the small Tschannenmatte street at Aegerten.   This meant that our hard-working help crew that it was not enough to carry the five and a half tons of material  from the civil protection basement (which was kindly provided to us by the municipality of Aegerten) out into open, but they had to haul it another 100m to the Kirchstrasse, the nearest the truck could get.
10 Years of Collaboration with the Women's Associations
Saturday, 07 July 2007

sightseeing tour to lake OhridThe main reason for the 52nd delegation trip to Kruševo, which took place from June 15 to 19, was the celebration of 10 years of collaboration between GGBS and the four women's association in our partnership region.  The following participants from Switzerland took part in the festivities:  GGBS President Ursula Weiss, GGBS Vice-President Hedi Schwarzwälder, Helene Sironi and Lukas Weiss.  After a joint seminar on the first day of the celebrations, on the second day, the entire group was invited to a sightseeing tour to the marvelous region of lake Ohrid.  Hedi brought us back from the delegation this set of beautiful photos.

Narodna Tehnika's New Website Is Now On-Line
Saturday, 31 March 2007

new NT websiteAt the request of Narodna Tehnika, last November GGBS had organized a short workshop at the NT Center on the topic of web design and CMS. The aim of the workshop was to train a small group of NT members how to set up and maintain CMS based websites.

 For the same reason GGBS has also registered the internet domain name GGBS will make this  domain accessible to all local associations and organization.

After an intensive period of learning and hard work, Narodna Tehnika has now put on-line a first version  of their new website under the address

Kruševo's Fire Department needs our help!
Wednesday, 22 November 2006
fire truckAt our last visit to Kruševo, Mayor Lefkija Gažoska told us about the desperate situtation of the municipal fire department.  She asked us to investigate whether there would be some possibility for GGBS or some other Swiss organization to help them getting a newer, smaller and more versatile fire truck.
Pictures from the 51st delegation
Saturday, 11 November 2006
51.delegationNow the pictures of the 51st delegation have been uploaded.  Themes: Visit to the village schools, Narodna Tehnika, fire department of Kruševo.
Pictures from the 50th delegation
Wednesday, 25 October 2006
50.delegationNarodna Tehnika sent us the first photos from the seminar on tourism.  A second set of pictures was contributed by GGS board member Hans Kämpf.
Pictures from the 49th Delegation
Wednesday, 25 October 2006
51. delegationRuth Wyssmann took a lot of very nice pictures for us at the pre-school seminar on traditional games in October.
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