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Links from and about Macedonia:
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  Link   Mazedonisch-Deutsch Online-Wörtebuch
Ein interessantes Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Mazedonisch und Mazedonisch-Deutsch. Enthält zudem eine grafische Kyrillisch-Tastatur, mit welcher mazedonische Wörter direkt mit der Maus auch auf einem Schweizer-PC problemlos eingegeben werden könne
  Link   Learning Macedonian The Easy Way
This is a very interesting short course for learning the Macedonian language. In 6 concise lessons you can learn some essential things about this language. Recommended!
  Link   Macedonia - A report of the Swiss Refugee Council (german, PDF 1.4MB)
This report written by Florian Blumer dates from October 2002. The main issues are political developments, economic and social circumstances, human rights and health care.
  Link   Report of the Rep. Macedonia on the Convention for the Protection of Minorities (PDF)
This 170 page report dates from 2003 and contains very interesting facts and figures on the various ethnic minorities in Macedonia.
  Link   Trimaks Kartografija, Skopje
The first and largest private cartography publisher in Macedonia. Was very kind to allow us using a extract of their map for our partner region on our website.
  Link   New Law on Local Self Governement
Law on Territorial Organization of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia
  Link   DEZA/SDC Publication `Eine Welt` No. 1, March 2002 (german, PDF 1.1MB)
Macedonia is on of the main themes in this issue.
  Link   ZELS
ZELS is the Association of the Units of Local Self Government. Lefkija Gažoska, the mayor of Kruševo, is currently the chair person of the ZELS Committee for Sports and Education. PDF versions of the ZELS publications are available under Info / Newsletter.
  Link   Cultural Treasures of Macedonia
Rather old site, was financed by the EU PHARE project, but does not seem to be updated anymore.
  Link   Exploring Macedonia
A Macedonian tourism portal. Financed by USAID.
  Link   Trivage Web Links on Macedonia (german)
A collection of web links about Macedonia - still small, but hopefully it will grow over time!
  Link   BlueSky Macedonia
BlueSky is funding `low budget` youth projects in Macedonia. It is financed by the British Council For Cultural And Educational Development. There is also an active BlueSky group in Kruševo.
  Link   Hotel 7, Skopje
Small and low-priced hotel in Skopje. Just opposite to the University hospital, about 2km southwest of the Old Stone Bridge. Single 30 EUR, Double 45 EUR incl. breakfast and WLAN internet.
  Link   Hotel Kanet, Skopje
Small Hotel offering western european standards at a reasonable price, located right outside the City Park (= noisy in summer!). Single 45 EUR, double 60 EUR.
  Link   Europcar Car Rental Agency of Macedonia
Reliable and reasonably priced. So far never had any problems. It's best to send an e-mail to to ask for a quote. 24 - 30 Euros / day all inclusive for a Matiz or Atos, depending on the duration of the rental.
  Link   Interways Car Rental, Skopje
Affordable local car rental agency who does not belong (yet?) to an international chain. Has answered promptly on out requests, but finally I stayed once more with Europcar. But definitely worth while to keep in mind...
  Link   Busfahrplan ab Skopje
Alle nationalen und internationalen Busse von und nach Skopje sind hier aufgelistet.
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