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Links from and about our partner region:
  Web Link
  Link   Tourist Office of Kruševo
Die neue Homepage des Tourismusbüros von Kruševo. Erstellt mit Joomla! vom Narodna Tehnika Team.
  Link   Homepage der Gemeinde Kruševo
Die Homepage unserer Partnerstadt Kruševo. Scheint leider auch nur als fremdfinanziertes punktuelle Projekt gemacht worden zu sein ohne Langzeitwirkung. Nur mazedonisch!
  Link   Narodna Tehnika
The new website of Narodna Tehnika Kruševp is now on-line!!!
  Link   The Kruševo Manifesto
Macedonian original version together with an English translation of the Kruševo Manifesto, written by Nikola Karev in the year 1903.
  Link from OŽOK
Kruševo home page project carried out by the womens' association OŽOK in 2005 and financed by the World Bank and the Macedonian Ministry of Culture. Unfortunately, OŽOK seem no longer to have interest (or money?) to keep the site on-line! What a waste of money!
  Link   Review of the book `The Past in Question` by Keith Brown
Seems to be a very interesting book on the history of modern Macedonia based on the events and the people of our partner town Kruševo.
  Link   Hotel Montana, Kruševo
Since its renovation in the year 2004, Hotel Montana also has its own website.
  Link   Kruševo and surroundings at Google Maps
Unfortunately, the highres section of Google Maps stops just outside the Kruševo city limits. Around Krivogaštani and Prilep, however, the detail level is great and one can recognize every building.
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